Most schools in our area are closed today for a teacher work day. Yipppee! Gotta love a day off! For our school at least it is a freebie day so even the teachers get to enjoy the day including preschool! Shhh, don't tell the parents! LOL!
Here is what we have on tap for today:
- Flu shots for the boys
- Haircuts for the boys
- need to buy the goody bags for Connor's party
- fill said goody bags
- take the boys to lunch ( I feel bad they have to get shots on their day off)
- Maybe a trip to the pumpkin patch
We are gearing up for Connor's 8th birthday party on Sunday. It is at an indoor football field where they can play football, soccer, dodge ball and kickball to their hearts content! It should be a blast. I will share pics for sure.
I got a bit of happy mail this week! I was contacted by an online magazine requesting to use one of my layouts for a monthly column on journaling! Boy, this made my day as this particular layout is one of my favorites! I will share the link when the issue comes out in November!
So, what manufacturer should you design for? Take this quiz and find out! Cyndi56 posted it on the AMR MB and we are having fun with it. Mine said KI Memories.
Don't forget that tomorrow is All Moments Remembered online crop from 4pm-12am est. As always there will be challenges, prizes and lots of fun. Our guest designer this month is Amanda Probst from Creating Keepsakes and she will be joining us on the boards to chat it up! Hope to see you there! Have a great weekend!