I used to work at an LSS part-time. One night we had a overnight PJ crop. As fate would have it, I was there as well as Nicole. She was working on a mini album and I remember saying to myself, "she is an awesome scrapbooker. We need her at this store!" I commented on how much I liked her stuff and instantly liked her as a person. So friendly, warm, funny, witty, really the complete package! Everything you would want in a friend. After that, she was asked to be on the store's design team and eventually taught classes and worked part time in the store as well. We instantly clicked and became friends. When our store closed we were devastated and very hurt! (a long story) The best thing I came away with from that store was my friendship with Nicole. I could not imagine my life without her friendship, support, sense of humor, creativity and advice! I love you my friend, Happy Happy Birthday!
AW!!! What a beautiful page. Happy day to Nik!
Awwwwwwwww...that's how I feel about the online friends I've met weather in person or just online...TFS...
Love the layout!!!!
oh wow.
i love you my dearie...you make me heart smile, and i love that.
you're the absolute best.
Such a beautiful friendship . . :-)
I love this lo...very pretty, nice tribute to a friend.
I met one of my best friends somewhat the same way. She owned a scrapbook store and I was a a regular customer. I started working for her and now she is one of my best friends. I have since moved (my husband is in the Navy) and I miss her everyday.
awww... that is a great page and a wonderful story!! so glad you met and are such good friends!!!
awww love reading this story! tfs. I wish I had friends like you :)
Beautiful layout and the story is just as lovely. Glad you two are friends. You guys deserve each other. That is said in a nice way. :o)
Great page! I am glad that you met a new friend through scrapbooking!
that so cool to hear how you guys met, I didn't know she used to be a scrapbook teacher....and you guys worked at a LSS!!
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