Jenni Bowlin's booth was to die for and Miss Jenni was a sweetheart to boot! Here are some new labels.
Saw some really cool stuff from Pink Paislee, October Afternoon and Crate Paper. You also need to check out Chatterbox's new release too! Their booth was gorgeous! I wish I would have taken more pics but i was just in awe of everything and having a great time I didn't take the camera out as much as I should have. I am hoping Heather will email me some pics because she took tons!
The best part of this trip for me was getting to meet friends who up until now, I just spoke to online. It is so great putting a face to a name! I also got to see "old" friends and catch up with what's going on in their lives. All in all a great weekend with great people!
Thanks for sharing your pictures. It was so cool kind of sharing the moments with all of you :)
Great pictures... glad you had a good time... lots of cool product.. love the thickers....
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!
I love your pictures! What a great time you must've had!
Thanks for sharing your CHA experience with everyone. Nothing like having our own reporter on the ground with all the imporant details of fun new products.
WOW...I am so glad I got to meet you! You're a doll and forgive me for not hanging out. Thanks so much for introducing me to Ali. I hope next time we can spend and evening together....you're so cute ^---^
Have a relaxing day honey,
It looks like you 3 had a fantastic time. Chicago looks so cool (saw it on Heathers blog.) I'm glad you had a great time.
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