We had a great Christmas! The boys were just
ecstatic with their gifts this year! Santa did a great job and did not
disappoint. Here they are modeling the new football jerseys Uncle Tony gave to them this year. Zachary's is Dwight
Freeney of the Colts and Connor's is
Ladanian Tomlinson of the Chargers.

Santa brought them the new Nerf game for the
Wii along with
Rockband 2 for PS3. Zachary's big gift was an
ipod Nano and docking station.

Connor got the Star Wars Clone Trooper helmet he has been coveting along with the clone trooper blaster and the Clone Wars video game for
Wii. Are you sensing a trend? They also received lots of gifts from Grandma and Grandpa including Cavalier and Ohio State jerseys and lots of games. All in all, they made out like bandits.

As usual, our Christmas was filled with great food and lots of cookies! Too many cookies! Eddie's mom is arriving tomorrow and will be here for New Years. Last time she was here we had 2 feet of snow. I don't think that she will be that lucky this time.
Could never have too many cookies!!! Have a great new year!
Sounds like it was lots of fun!
Jenn, those boys had an awesome Christmas. Just look at their faces...they are full of joy!
I want to wish you an early happy 2009! May the new year bring you only kindness and cheer!
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