There are many things I want to do better in 2009. One thing in particular is meal planning. I never know what I am going to make until late afternoon and by then I just want to make something easy and mindless. Does that happen to you? So, I have been checking out various meal planning blogs for ideas and recipes. Do you know what? I can do this! I sat down this morning and planned out our entire dinner menu for the week. I am going grocery shopping today and I made a list on the back side of the menu so I can get everything I need.
Here is what we are having this week. (Dad and Tony, I know you will all get a good laugh from this. Remember, I have been house bound due to sub zero temps for four days with a lot of time on my hands!)
Sunday-Spaghetti and Meatballs, salad
Monday- Pork Roast in the crock pot, potatoes and green beans
Tuesday- Chicken, sauteed zucchini, brown rice
Wednesday- Burgers, baked potatoes, broccoli
Thursday- chicken stir-fry
Friday- meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn
Saturday- bubble up enchiladas with a salad
The schedule might vary some as we always have sports or scouts during the week. Here are some of the sites I have found helpful. and if you should want to give it a try. An added bonus for doing this, my boys will no longer keep asking me what's for dinner.(they start doing this at breakfast) They can look on the fridge at the menu for the week and figure it out themselves.
I have also managed to scrapbook while stuck in the house. I made this yesterday and it lists some of the things I will try to work on this year. Just getting in down on paper feels good!

Enjoy your Sunday! Oh, and if anyone has any tips or recipes on meal planning please share!