My boys are having a great school year so far. Here is Connor on his first day of third grade.

One of the big changes at our house is that I am now working 5 days per week at preschool. It is a bit of an adjustment as I was only working 3 days last year but so far it is working out. Everyone is realizing mom can't do everything she used to do and they are pitching in to help! The great thing is I get killer vacation time and my schedule is the same as the boys.
Another change is that I will no longer be designing for Kraft Girl. Pam has decided to close the site to have more time with her family. I wish her all the best and thank her so much for letting me be a part of such a great team! I loved all the kits and had a blast working with her! She is having a great sale on kits so make sure to check it out here.