The boys always go trick or treating with Dylan, Carter, Abby and Alex. The dads take them around the neighborhood while the moms stay and give out the candy. Erika and I always sit outside in her driveway. This year we were joined by three other neighbors. This way the kids got to hit 5 houses at once. It works out perfectly and we always have a good time!
Want to wish my friends Erika and JR a Happy Anniversary! Also, Erika has found out she is having a girl! I am so happy for them! Let the buying of the pink begin! After two boys, she deserves to have some pink!
cute costumes!
Great costume choices! It was strange going out to trick or treat in the light! It was hard to get scared by costumes and peoples decorations. Even with the daylight my girls made out like bandits!
Thanks for the wishes!!! 9 Years Married and 16 together. And I love him like crazy!!!
Oh yeah!!! There is a lot of pink in her closet already!!
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