Wanted to take this time to wish all of our family and friends a very Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny was good to everyone this year! We are spending a very relaxing day at home, just the four of us. No plans...just do whatever we want. It is kind of a nice change of pace.

These are some pics of the boys coloring Easter eggs last night. They did a really good job and even tasted an egg this year. They both hated it. More for Eddie. I don't touch the things.

The Easter Bunny brought lots of candy this morning along with a new webkinz for Connor. A German Shepard he named Travis. Zachary got a basketball he had been wanting and Magic Rocks. You add water and they become crystalized towers of colored rocks. He loves stuff like that. I think the EB did a bang up job, considering it is so hard to find things for boys at Easter.

Now for something super sweet. My friend
Aleida tagged me with this award. How sweet is that?

Now it's my turn to reciprocate and here are the rules:
the rules for the *you make my day award* are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. beware you may get the award several times yourself, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.
I nominate:
StaceyHeatherTracyLindaDebbieJoscieDeborahElizabethNicoleRachelLast night,
Nicole and Erika came over to scrapbook. As soon as they got to my house we decided we needed to take a trip to Archiver's. We scored big time! They were just putting out the new Making Memories Baby line. Now, I don't need baby themed papers.The backside of some of them were not babyish at all and were too delicious to pass up. On the way home, I couldn't find my turnpike card. I looked everywhere and was afraid I had lost it. Nicole pulled over to the shoulder so we could turn the light on and look for it. Just as we were about to call it lost and pull away, a Highway Patrolman pulls up behind us with his lights flashing. We couldn't stop laughing but pulled it together when he came along side her car with his very bright flashlight. He looked like he was 12! We told him our story and he said he was just checking to make sure we were okay. Whew! And that was our excitement for the evening.
Looks to be a busy week. The boys are on spring break! Enjoy your day!