Can I tell you how happy this makes me! Last year, in kindergarten there was no homework. Now that he is in first grade that has all changed. As soon as he gets home from school he grabs his backpack and says "Ok mommy, time to do my homework." He is focused and gets the work done in 10-15 minutes. No nagging, no fooling around. He loves the first grade and is doing very well.
I was so excited to find out that the layout I posted here yesterday was picked as the page of the day over at Creative Express. Thanks so much Shellie. You totally made my day!
Tomorrow is our first football game. I have to work the concession stand for a few hours and then our game is at 2:30. It is going to be a cool day. High of 59. Ahhh, football weather!
Our team has worked so hard. Wish them luck!
congrats on page of the day...and how lucky are you that he loves homework??!!
(hang on to that one for sure!!)
My daughter's in 1st grade this year as well, and she loves her homework also. She can't wait for the spelling tests to begin!
Congrats on POTD!
how AWESOME!!!! layout of the day!!!!
Yay for him!! Hope that love of homework lasts for many, many years to come!!
Congrats on your page of the day!
Jenn...just wanted to check in before were gone on vaca. See you in a week!! I have a lot of bloggin to catch up on!!!
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