Before I go, I wanted to give a special shout out to Eddie's sister Marybeth and her husband Kit. They both have stopped smoking! It has been six weeks! Congrats to you both!
Just wanted to show a pic of Zachary's cloud science project we both worked on. These projects turn on to be just as much work for the parents as they are for the kids. We both had fun and learned alot about clouds in the process. FYI, dryer lint makes for a great stratus cloud!
I think that about covers it. I am off to clean the house and do laundry.
Grobe Farm is also an apple orchard. They had a big variety of apples already picked which was just fine by me. They also make their own apple cider. I have to say last night Eddie and I sampled some and it was delicious! The apples tasted so much better too! I may have to stop by this farm a few more times before the end of the season!
We are gearing up to watch game 3 of the ALCS tonight. The game is in Cleveland and the town is buzzing with excitement! GO TRIBE!
Also, wanted to say Happy Anniversary to our special friends Nicole and Mike. They celebrated 12 years together on Friday! I know it is a little late but wanted to say congrats! Love you guys!