Well not me, the NY Giants! We defeated the Green Bay Packers in overtime 23-20 last night to win the NFC Championship and are going to the Super Bowl! (Sorry Emily!) To say the game was a nail biter is an understatement! Our kicker missed two field goals, one of them was with 4 seconds left in the game and would have given us the win. When he came out to kick in OT I couldn't even look! He managed to pull this one out and gave us the win.
We had a lot of fun at Night at the Races Saturday night. Eddie, Mike and Jr bought a horse for me, Nicole and Erika. Guess what they named him? Peter-fits-well! It was hilarious to hear the announcer call the race and repeatedly say the name. Note to self...Don't let the husband's purchase a horse next year without a chaperon! Eddie and I won two races and won $20.00!
Ok, now for a little fun. I was tagged by Erika from the All Moments Remembered Message Board to list 7 Random things about me. Here goes:
- I have never watched an episode of the Soprano's or Sex and the City. Shocking, I know.
- I have cheered at a SF 49Er's and Golden State Warrior game when i was in high school.
- I have lived in 4 states. NY, California, North Carolina, and Ohio.
- I have met Martha Stewart.
- I love to watch sports.
- My almost 10 yr old son is almost taller then me.
- I can't stand to touch raw meat. Chicken is the worst!
Ok, anyone who wants to play along, consider yourself tagged! Off to play a game with the kiddos who have the day off!
Wow .49 cents per Gallon. I think I would have fill up every container in my house :)
Have fun,
Yup, I understand the height & son issue. My kid outgrew me when he was 11. He's 12 now and clearly a good 3 inches taller than me!
Almost everyone I know over the age of 10 is taller than me ;)
Congrats on your team making the Super Bowl!
Congrats on Super Bowl for exciting!! My team needs help!!! LOL
Thanks for playing, Jenn! My SIL is the same way about meat & she wears rubber gloves every night when making dinner. LOL
Now, that's cool. I've never gone to the horse races and it sounds like a blast. Have you ever watched Dreamer? ( I think that is the movie) WE all love that movie. Anyways, you guys are a fun family!
here I was all excited you were coming to az :)
love your random info!
i'll talk sports with you anyday, girlfriend...and had a BLAST Saturday night!!
I can't touch raw meat either. Ugh...gives me the willies. Glad your team beat those Packers. LOL! Don't tell Em I said that. Yikes!
Okay, okay. Congrats Giants.
Green Bay was a sad, sad place today.
Hi Jenn! yep, the giants....or, Tom Brady...eye candy all around! Gonna be a fun game. (Tho I still enjoy looking at Brett Favre!)
We have to put our heads together to find a day, time, and place to scrap or just meet up at one of the local LSS...Hopefully soon...OBTW...you've been tagged, again, see my blog for details...Thanks...
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