Mohican is an outdoor school where the kids get to learn about science and nature through a variety of of activities. They have some indoor classes but for the most part they are outside learning about trees, plant and animal life through hands-on activities. They also get to experience dorm life as they will be there until Friday.
He was very excited to go as you can see. I just hope we remembered to pack everything! Eddie and I went to school to help load the kids on the bus and say our goodbyes. Zachary loves the outdoors and animals so this experience is right up his alley. I can't wait to hear about all his adventures when he gets home.

How fun! We had Outdoor School when I was a kid and I loved it!
he'll have a great time...and you'll be ok as well, Mama!! =)
Very exciting! My nephew would love to go to this camp. Well, if he could come home each night. I bet Z is having a blast! I hope you are handling this ok. It has to be hard letting go. Very soon he will be home. Your a great mom for letting him test his wings. :o)
We called that Nature's Classroom when I was a kid - but never had the chance!
Hope he has a great time!!
What an awesome time he'll have.
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