Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He's off!

Zachary left today for the annual 5th grade class trip to Mohican.

Mohican is an outdoor school where the kids get to learn about science and nature through a variety of of activities. They have some indoor classes but for the most part they are outside learning about trees, plant and animal life through hands-on activities. They also get to experience dorm life as they will be there until Friday.

He was very excited to go as you can see. I just hope we remembered to pack everything! Eddie and I went to school to help load the kids on the bus and say our goodbyes. Zachary loves the outdoors and animals so this experience is right up his alley. I can't wait to hear about all his adventures when he gets home.

Stay tuned for some sneaks of the April Kraft Girl kit soon!


Rita said...

How fun! We had Outdoor School when I was a kid and I loved it!

Nicole said...

he'll have a great time...and you'll be ok as well, Mama!! =)

Denise said...

Very exciting! My nephew would love to go to this camp. Well, if he could come home each night. I bet Z is having a blast! I hope you are handling this ok. It has to be hard letting go. Very soon he will be home. Your a great mom for letting him test his wings. :o)

Chris Dodaj said...

We called that Nature's Classroom when I was a kid - but never had the chance!
Hope he has a great time!!

Kelly said...

What an awesome time he'll have.