Ok, let me fill you in on what's been going on this past week. Zachary was inducted to the student government. He is the fourth grade representative. The school has a nice ceremony in the church and a little reception afterwards. We are so proud of him. This is his second year he has been elected by his classmates and although he won't admit it, I know he really enjoys it!
Connor was quite the social butterfly last weekend. He had birthday parties Friday and Saturday for two of his classmates. Chuck E Cheese and bowling! How can you beat that!
Saturday night was the Youth Football Steak Fry that I helped plan. We had 300 people attend! We did have some hiccups but they were minor. All in all, for our first steak fry it went well.
Just wanted to show a pic of Zachary's cloud science project we both worked on. These projects turn on to be just as much work for the parents as they are for the kids. We both had fun and learned alot about clouds in the process. FYI, dryer lint makes for a great stratus cloud!
I think that about covers it. I am off to clean the house and do laundry.
Great tip! "FYI, dryer lint makes for a great stratus cloud!"
you HAVE been busy!!
congrats to Zachary...thanks again for letting me borrow the lens =)
Great idea ofr clouds! You all sure have been busy
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